Healthy Goodbyes

If you’re anything like me, you know that change can be difficult to accept. Throughout my childhood I did everything I could to resist against change, like digging my feet into the ground and throwing a tantrum when I didn’t want to leave playtime with my friends. I feel fortune to now have a career where I get the opportunity to help shape young minds and their understanding of important topics like healthy goodbyes and seasons of change.

As we approach the end of the school year I want to validate for everyone: parents, children, and teachers alike that change is inevitably uncomfortable. This is a time filled with mixed emotions. We’re excited for the summer adventures ahead, but we might also feel a bit sad about saying goodbye to our teachers, classmates, and the daily routines we've grown used to. But guess what? We can use yoga and mindfulness to help us navigate these feelings and say goodbye in a healthy, happy way.

Celebrating the Journey

First, let’s celebrate all the wonderful things we’ve experienced this year. Think about all the new things you’ve learned, the friends you’ve made, and the fun activities you’ve enjoyed. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, then let it out slowly. Feel proud of everything you’ve accomplished!

Mindful Reflection

Take a moment to sit quietly and reflect on your favorite memories from the school year. Maybe it was a special project, a fun field trip, or a kind moment with a friend. As you think about these memories, place your hand on your heart and feel the joy and gratitude for these experiences. This helps us focus on the positive and appreciate the good times we’ve had.

Yoga Poses for Goodbye

Here are a few yoga poses that can help us say goodbye in a healthy way:

  1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall with your feet together, arms by your sides. Feel strong and grounded like a mountain. This pose helps us feel stable and confident as we face changes.

  2. Heart Opening Pose (Camel Pose or Ustrasana): Kneel on the floor and place your hands on your lower back. Gently arch your back and open your chest towards the sky. This pose helps us open our hearts to new experiences while holding on to the love we’ve shared.

  3. Tree Pose (Vrksasana): Stand on one leg and place the sole of your other foot on your ankle, calf, or thigh (just avoid the knee). Bring your hands together in front of your heart. This pose helps us find balance and stay grounded, even when things are changing around us.

Gratitude Practice

Let’s also practice some gratitude. Think of three things or people from this school year that you are grateful for. It could be your teacher, a friend, or even a favorite book. Write them down in the comments below or share them with a loved one out loud. Practicing gratitude helps us focus on the positive and remember all the good things we’ve experienced.

My 2023 - 2024 Gratitude List:

  1. A Full Plate: I feel blessed to have had an abundance of opportunities to share yoga and mindfulness this year both inside and outside of my school classroom. Everything I hoped and prayed for has happened in divine timing.

  2. My Students: This deep feeling of gratitude overcame me yesterday on my morning commute, “how lucky am I that anyone would get up in the early AM to come to share space with me and our community?”

  3. My Colleagues: There are countless people at my school that inspire the heck out of me! I am awestruck by the talent of my fellow educators and leaders. The things these people do are outstanding, and they don’t get enough credit for their work of the heart.

Mindful Goodbyes

When it’s time to say goodbye to your teachers and friends, try doing it mindfully:

  • Look them in the eyes.

  • Take a deep breath in and out.

  • Say your goodbye with a big smile and maybe even a hug if it’s okay.

Remember, goodbyes are not forever. They’re just a way to pause before the next wonderful chapter begins. We can carry all the good memories and lessons from this school year into our next adventures.

Looking Forward

As you head into summer, keep practicing yoga and mindfulness. These practices can help you stay calm, happy, and grounded no matter where you are or what you’re doing. And remember, every ending is just the beginning of something new and exciting.

So, here’s to a fantastic school year and an even more amazing summer ahead!

With love and light,

Miss Tara

I'm curious—what do you remember about the end of the school year in your elementary school days?

Share your memories in the comments below!


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