St Patty’s Day Shuffle

Did you know, St. Patrick was actually British?

St. Patrick’s Day in our Yoga & Mindfulness Classroom is just like any other - packed with educational activities, SEL learning, fun games and many opportunities to build community and life lessons both on and off of the mat.

Some highlights in our week of learning include:

  1. Cereal-sly Lucky Craft: I must admit this one is fun for me too! This craft involves coloring, cutting out, and glueing Lucky Charms onto a “cereal bowl.” Next, you write something or someone you are grateful for on each one. I love that it is accessible for all age groups and invites healthy conversation about gratitude. They turned out so cute!

  2. 4 Leaf Clover Breathing: This can be taught in a multitude of ways, but in our classroom I project a giant 4 leaf clover on our white board and have a student lead the class through the mindful breathwork exercise. This opportunity invites confidence building and leadership too!

  3. My 3 Wishes: My 3 Wishes Worksheet is a fun way to dream big and think of how you would use your wishes if they were granted. This is an introduction for our class game called Wishing Well, where one student stands on a chair and attempts to drop 3 coins in the “wishing well,” otherwise known as a small cup. This requires mindful focus and so many other important skills like hand-eye-coordination.

  4. Collect the Coins: This game has to be a school favorite! I set it up with two bridges spanning the length of the classroom. Two students volunteer to race across the bridges to collect as many coins as possible and drop them in their team’s Pot of Gold. This activity requires balance, focus, and involves strategy when I introduce the addition of stealing. It is so exciting to hear the cheers as students feel pride in seeing their classmates work towards a common goal. You can get gold coins here:

Looking for a fun brain break for your classroom? Check out my Yoga Brain Break video on Youtube:


Spring HELLO!


My Hridaya or Heart Center